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  • About WISC

Governing Board


Pinar BilginPinar Bilgin is Professor of International Relations at Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey. She holds a Ph.D. in International Politics from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth (2000), an M.Sc. in Strategic Studies from UWA, an M.A. in International Relations from Bilkent University and a B.Sc. in International Relations from Middle East Technical University. She specialises in critical approaches to security. She is the author of Regional Security in the Middle East: A Critical Perspective (2005; 2nd ed. 2019) and The International in Security, Security in the International (2016); she is co-editor of Routledge Handbook of International Political Sociology (2017 with Xavier Guillaume) and Asia in International Relations: Unthinking Imperial Power Relations (2017 with L.H.M. Ling). She was a Woodrow Wilson Scholar at WWIC during 2006-07, senior visiting research fellow at King’s College London during 2013-14, visiting scholar at the Center for the Resolution of International Conflicts (CRIC) at the University of Copenhagen and visiting professor at Centre for Contemporary Middle East Studies, University of Odense, during 2015-16, visiting professor the Amsterdam Centre for European Studies, University of Amsterdam in June 2019, and visiting professor at the Institute for International Relations (IRI) Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-Rio) in August 2019. She has previously served in different capacities for WISC member associations CEEISA, EISA and ISA. She is a member of Turkey’s Academy of Sciences. For further information, please see http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/~pbilgin
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Executive Secretary

Roberto DominguezRoberto Domínguez is Professor of International Relations at Suffolk University (Boston). He has actively represented the Mexican International Studies Association (MISA) in WISC executive meetings since 2005. He is chair of the section EU-Latin America at the European Union Studies Association (EUSA). His research focuses on regional security governance, transatlantic relations and perceptions of the European Union in the Western Hemisphere. Dr. Dominguez has conducted research projects for the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the British General Consulate in Miami.  He has also been Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute and editor of the Journal Relaciones Internacionales (UNAM-Mexico).
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Anna WróbelAnna Wróbel is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies (Department for Regional and Global Studies), University of Warsaw. Head of First and Second Cycle Degree Programme in International Relations. Ph.D. in Political Science (2007). Her doctoral dissertation is on the policy of liberalization of international trade in services. Postgraduate Studies in Foreign Trade at the Warsaw School of Economics (2004). A graduate of the Institute of International Relations, University of Warsaw (2003). Research interests: global trade governance; World Trade Organisation; international trade in services; processes of international trade liberalization, in particular liberalization of international trade in services; food security; international trade in agri-food commodities; economic dimension of globalization; regional economic integration; EU trade policy; China’s trade policy. Founder member of the Polish International Studies Association (Polskie Towarzystwo Studiów Międzynarodowych, PTSM). Governing Board Member and Treasurer of the Warsaw unit of the Polish International Studies Association. Member of the International Studies Association (ISA); Central and East European International Studies Association (CEEISA) and European International Studies Association (EISA), Development Studies Association (DSA).
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Beatrix Futák-CampbellBeatrix Futák-Campbell is is Assistant Professor of International Relations at Leiden University College The Hague, where she is also the convener of the World Politics major. She completed her PhD in International Relations at the University of St. Andrews and her MA in EU Studies and German and MSc in Research in Politics at the University of Edinburgh. Her research interests include contemporary IR theory, especially Practice Theory and Global IR, EU relations with Russia and methods/ methodologies on how to study IR. She is also trained as a conversation analyst at the University of York and Loughborough. Previously she was a Marie Curie Fellow at the University of Hamburg and Oxford, she taught at the University of Edinburgh and St Andrews, and she also worked for the United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime, The German Marshall Fund and the British civil service. Her first monograph just been published by Manchester University Press titled Practising EU foreign policy: Russia and the eastern neighbours. She is currently finishing her second monograph Theories and Methods in International Relations (Palgrave). During the first semester of 2017/18 academic year she is working as principal investigator at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS-KNAW) for a project on Reading and Narrating the EU Migration/Refugee Crisis).
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Andrea OelsnerAndrea Oelsner is Associate Professor and Director of the IR and Political Science degrees at the Universidad de San Andrés (Argentina). She is Associate Editor of Foreign Policy Analysis, and Member of ISA’s James N. Rosenau Award Committee. She is the author of International Relations in Latin America: Peace and Security in the Southern Cone (Routledge, 2005 and 2009), and co-editor of Global Thinkers of Peace: Latin American Nobel Peace Prizes (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023) and Friendship and International Relations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014). Her research on international security, regional governance, and friendship in IR has appeared in ISQ, Security Dialogue, International Politics, and Politics and Governance, among others. She holds a PhD in International Relations from the LSE and was a post-doctoral Jean Monnet Fellow at the EUI.
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Assistant to Governing Board

Isaac Flores Delgado has a master's degree in International Relations from La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. He serves as a full-time research professor in International Relations at Universidad del Mar (UMAR), in Mexico. His research primarily focuses on economic cooperation and integration within the Asia-Pacific region. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in Global Development Studies at the Autonomous University of Baja California, with a dissertation centered on Mexican Foreign Policy toward the Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, he is the Secretary-General of the Mexican International Studies Association (MISA/AMEI).
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Karina JędrzejowskaKarina Jędrzejowska is Assistant Professor at the Institute of International Relations, University of Warsaw (Section of IR Political Economy), and coordinator of research sections in the Polish International Studies Association. She is a graduate of the University of Manchester (MsC Globalisation and Development, 2008), Warsaw School of Economics (MA Finance and Banking, 2007) and the Institute of International Relations (MA International Relations, 2005), University of Warsaw. She earned her PhD in Political Science from the University of Warsaw on the basis of dissertation "Sovereign Default in International Relations" (2011). She cooperates with the Centre for Contemporary India Research and Studies at the University of Warsaw. Her research areas include international monetary and financial relations and economic development. Dr. Jędrzejowska is an author of several papers and book chapters on financial issues in developing countries.
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Arie M. KacowiczArie M. Kacowicz is Professor of International Relations and the Chaim Weizmann Chair in International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.  A Faculty member since 1993, he was the Chair of the Department of International Relations in 2005-2008 and currently is the President of the Israeli Association of Israeli Studies.  His research interests include peace studies, international relations of Latin America, globalization and global governance, and the normative dimension of international relations. His recent publications include Globalization and the Distribution of Wealth: The Latin American Experience, 1982-2008 (Cambridge University Press, 2013), and Routledge Handbook of Latin American Security (co-edited with David Mares, Routledge 2016).
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Nassef Manabilang Adiong is the founder of Co-IRIS (International Relations and Islamic Studies Research Cohort), PHISO (Philippine International Studies Organization), and DSRN (Decolonial Studies Research Network). He works on interdisciplinary research between Islam and International Relations (particularly, comparing Islamic governance with the nation-state system), and explores Muslim polities in Southeast Asia. Nassef is the chief editor of the International Journal of Islam in Asia (Brill Publishers), Islam and Global Studies series (Palgrave Macmillan), International Relations in Southeast Asia series (Routledge), Islam in Southeast Asia series (Palgrave Macmillan), Islam and International Relations series (Gerlach Press), and Islam in the Philippines series (IIUM Press). His works and publications are available at https://nassef.info/ and can be contacted via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


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