International Relations Workshop: New Research Topics And Proposals

The Faculty of Finance, Government, and International Relations of Universidad Externado de Colombia, in partnership with the Colombian Network of International Relations (RedIntercol), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) and with the support of the World International Studies Committee (WISC), invites university professors and researchers linked to the International Relations field, whose research interest is in teaching and/or International Relations theory, to participate in this workshop, which will be carried out in the city of Barranquilla (Colombia) on October 1-2, 2019.
- Explore the alternatives and research proposals from different parts of the world that are expanding the field of study and analysis of International Relations, including: economic issues, climate change, international migration, international cooperation for development, the influence of ICT’s, cybersecurity, among others, that is to say, those study phenomena that are increasingly diversifying the theoretical-practical analysis.
- To debate if theoretical pluralism is a valid proposal through which it is possible to give an answer to the classical and new problematics of the discipline.
Thematic tables
The workshop is structured around two thematic tables that will work simultaneously for one day. Each table will have between 12 and 15 participants.
Thematic table 1. New themes and actors / agents in the study of International Relations
- Is there a transformation in IR studies?
- Is there a thematic frontier of research in International Relations?
Objective: To identify how new topics have been incorporated into research in International Relations and the impact on their studies.
Invited professor and table coordinator: Mónica Herz, PhD in International relations. Associate Professor of the Institute of International Relations (IRI) at PUC-Rio.
Thematic table 2: Theoretical and methodological proposals in the advancement of the discipline.
- How are theories and methodologies in International Relations adapted to political, economic, or socio-cultural changes?
- What is the relationship between academic research and political practice?
Objective: To debate the theoretical and methodological currents most used in the research in International Relations with a view to identify if scientific production in the field of study responds to some of the academic curricula of the universities of the participants.
Invited professor and table coordinator: José Antonio Sanahuja, PhD in Political Sciences (International Relations). Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Sociology and Political Sciences, Complutense University of Madrid and Director of the Carolina Foundation.
- Those interested in participating in thematic table 1 must submit an abstract of no more than 300 words answering one of the following questions:
- Is there a transformation in IR studies?
- Is there a thematic frontier of research in international relations?
- Those interested in participating in thematic table 2 must submit an abstract of no more than 300 words answering one of the following questions:
- How are theories and methodologies in International Relations adapted to political, economic, or socio-cultural changes?
- What is the relationship between academic research and political practice?
- With the abstract, each participant must include a personal presentation of no more than 200 words (with contact information).
- The required documentation must be sent in a single pdf file, no later than Friday, March 1, 2019, to the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject “Call workshop. Table (#)”.
- All abstracts received will be evaluated by the academic committee, composed of the following members:
Martha Ardila, PhD. Coordinator of the Observatory in International Systems Analysis (OASIS), Universidad Externado de Colombia - Bogotá
Arlene Tickner, PhD. Research Director, Faculty of Political Science, Government, and International Relations, Universidad del Rosario – Bogotá
Luis Fernando Vargas-Alzate, PhD. President of the Colombian Network of International Relations (RedIntercol).
- The call is made to those with a future interest to participate in a joint publication led by Universidad Externado de Colombia.
Scholarships and financing
The organizers of the workshop will offer 6 scholarships for those who are selected to participate and present an original and innovative proposal:
- Three for Colombian researchers (transport and accommodation).
- Three scholarships for researchers outside of Colombia (transport and accommodation).
Project coordinator
Paula Ruiz
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